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How to Have a Live Birth with History of Multiple Miscarriages

Recurrent miscarriage, also known as recurrent pregnancy loss, is the spontaneous loss of two or three pregnancies. Two consecutive pregnancy losses are said to affect about 5% of women, while about 1% of women experience three or more consecutive pregnancy losses.

Multiple miscarriages can be a distressing condition for couples who want to conceive. In this article, we will be discussing different ways to increase your possibility of having a live birth following multiple miscarriages.

Causes of Multiple Miscarriages

It is important to understand the cause of multiple miscarriages to find a suitable treatment for the same. There could be different causes of multiple miscarriages in different women, which may include the following:

  • Reduced ovarian reserve (low number of female eggs in the ovaries)
  • Problems associated with the female uterus, like fibroids, polyps, or a congenital abnormality
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Hormonal problems
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS
  • Chromosomal abnormalities in the genetic makeup of either of the parents
  • Lifestyle factors, like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive caffeine intake, dieting, or excessive exercising by the mother during pregnancy
  • Infections
  • Unexplained cause

When Can a Woman Try for Another Pregnancy After a Miscarriage?

Miscarriage can make a couple feel helpless and depressed. It is important to give some time to grieve before consulting a fertility specialist or trying for another pregnancy.

Most couples are told to avoid having sex for at least two weeks following a miscarriage to prevent any risk of infection. But a woman can get pregnant as soon as two weeks following a miscarriage. 

Once the woman feels ready mentally and physically to have another pregnancy, she can consult a fertility specialist to guide her.

In most cases, a woman who has had one miscarriage does not have to wait before trying to conceive again. But in cases of women who have had two or more than two miscarriages, the doctor may suggest undergoing a few tests before trying for another pregnancy.

Tests Recommended Before Attempting a Pregnancy After Multiple Miscarriages

If a woman has had multiple miscarriages, the doctor may suggest undergoing some tests before trying to conceive again. These tests include the following:

  • Blood tests: A sample of the woman’s blood is tested to check if the immune system or hormones show any problems.
  • Chromosomal tests: Both the male and female partner will have to undergo blood tests to see if there are any abnormalities in the chromosomes. If there is any tissue remaining after a miscarriage, the tissue will also be tested for chromosomal abnormalities.

Other tests like ultrasounds or MRI scans may also be suggested to detect any medical conditions that may be causing problems in the uterus.

The tests help the doctor determine the exact cause of the miscarriages and provide a proper treatment plan to help have a live birth with the next pregnancy.

However, in a few cases, the doctor is unable to find the cause of multiple miscarriages. Even then, many women with a history of multiple miscarriages go on to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby later on.

Treatments to Increase Chances of a Live Birth After Multiple Miscarriages

The fertility doctor may suggest a few treatments based on the results of the diagnostic test results to reduce the chance of having another miscarriage and increase the likelihood of having a live birth.

In case of a reduced ovarian reserve, the doctor may recommend undergoing fertility treatments using the woman’s own eggs or donor eggs, and using the male sperms (if there is no problem detected in the male chromosomes) or using donor sperms.

These options are not ideal if a couple desires a genetically related baby, but they are good options to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy following recurrent miscarriages.

The treatment of blood clotting problems or autoimmune disorders can significantly reduce the chance of having another miscarriage, but having the chance of having a miscarriage can unfortunately not be ruled out completely in any case. 

Problems associated with the female uterus may need surgical treatment. The surgery performed is usually a minor one and most women can go home a couple of hours after the procedure. This minor surgery may sometimes be all that it takes to carry the subsequent pregnancy to full term.

If either the male or female partner has a genetic disorder, the doctor may suggest undergoing an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) procedure with Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), which is a procedure that helps in the selection of healthy embryos (fertilized female eggs) with the right chromosomes number.

IVF along with PGT testing helps in increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. The procedure not only enables a healthy pregnancy but also helps avoid several types of genetic diseases in the baby.

In some cases, the doctors may suggest using donor eggs or donor sperm instead of using that partner’s eggs or sperm who has a genetic abnormality. Sometimes, the doctor may even suggest adopting an embryo, which involves implanting an embryo into the woman from an anonymous donor.

What Can Help in Increasing the Chances of a Live Birth After Multiple Miscarriages?

Although there is not much a woman can do to completely avoid a miscarriage, there are certain steps that can be taken during a pregnancy after a recurrent miscarriage to increase her chances of having a live birth. These steps include the following:

  • Go for frequent checkups and ultrasounds to check for normal growth of the baby and check the baby’s heartbeat.
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Reach a healthy weight before getting pregnant again.
  • Take folic acid and prenatal vitamins as suggested by the doctor.
  • Eat a nutritious diet and do mild forms of exercise during pregnancy.
  • Limit caffeine intake.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, or use of recreational drugs.


Having multiple miscarriages can be distressing for a couple. It is important to reach out to a fertility specialist immediately and get help. A thorough evaluation and treatment can help in having a live birth after a recurrent miscarriage and fulfill the wish of becoming a parent.

Khushhi IVF

Khushhi IVF, founded by Dr. Dipesh Sorathiya, brings a wealth of experience with over a decade in fertility treatments, having assisted 10,000+ patients and conducted 5,000+ procedures. Driven by a commitment to provide cutting-edge yet ethical fertility solutions, Khushhi IVF prioritizes an all-encompassing approach that addresses patients’ physical, emotional, and financial needs, while ensuring economical and standardized care.

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